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HMC Hospital, Savannah, TN, Hardin County




Thank you for choosing Hardin Medical Center for your healthcare needs. For over 70 years, we have provided our patients with a wide range of medical and surgical services in outpatient and inpatient settings.

At HMC, the opportunity to serve you is our honor, and we strive to make your healthcare experience as pleasant as possible. We are committed to providing every patient with quality, comprehensive care. 

Regarding healthcare, we know you have choices, and we are honored you have chosen Hardin Medical Center as your preferred provider.


Jim Edmondson, CEO

Hardin Medical Center.                         

Woman & Doctor


Chat with the Nursing Home Attendant



Surgical Lights


Patient Room



Blue wheelchair


Hospital Waiting Room



Medical Consultation


Crowded Hospital Garden



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Your admission to Hardin Medical Center (HMC) was directed by your healthcare provider, who is a member of our medical staff. When you arrive, you or a family member must visit the Admissions Office and supply the clerk with information necessary to complete your admission record. Your cooperation in providing this information is appreciated. Much of the data requested during this process is very personal. However, it is required by law and is confidential.



Consent forms are required for treatment or surgery and must be signed by you or your representative before the commencement of any procedure. If you need help understanding the forms, the person presenting the form to you for signature will be happy to help.



All patients have the right to make decisions about their medical care. During the admissions process, you will be asked if you have an Advance Directive, which is a document that states your choice about medical treatment should you be unable to speak for yourself and it may name someone to make choices for you if you cannot. In this way, you can legally decide about your future medical treatment. You are not required to have an Advance Directive, but you will be given information regarding this form at the time of admission. If you have any questions or concerns about the information, please ask a member of your nursing staff or Social Services at extension 8396.



At the time of admission, an identification band will be attached to your wrist. Your identification band must be worn throughout your stay. The band identifies you to all those who care for you. For patient safety, you may be asked to recite your name and birthdate several times during your stay.



It is only necessary to bring a few personal items, such as a bathrobe, pajamas or gown, slippers, and toiletry items for use during your stay at Hardin Medical Center.



Our healthcare team needs to know which medications you currently take at home. Please place all medications in a plastic bag and bring them with you in their original bottles, so that accurate names and dosages can be obtained. These medications should be given to the nursing staff so they can be added to your medical record. If you are here for observation and your healthcare provider directs you to continue taking these home medications, the nursing staff will administer them to you as directed. If you are an inpatient and your healthcare provider directs you to continue your home medications, the Pharmacy will dispense them from our Pharmacy, and your nursing staff will administer them to you. Sometimes people with Medicare need "self-administered drugs" in hospital outpatient settings. "Self-administered drugs" are drugs you would usually take on your own. Part B generally does not pay for self-administered drugs unless required for your hospital outpatient services. 

If you get self-administered drugs not covered by Medicare Part B while in an outpatient hospital setting, the hospital may bill you for the drug. However, these drugs may be covered if enrolled in a Medicare drug plan (Part D). The medicines you bring will be given to a family member to take home, or the nursing staff will store them in Pharmacy and return them to you when you are discharged. Please do not take any medication other than what your nurse gives you. If you feel you need a medication that you are not being provided, let your nurse know then the healthcare provider will be contacted for instructions.



Do not bring valuables such as jewelry, electronics, and money to the facility. The hospital will not be responsible for any personal property kept in your room. This includes dentures, eyeglasses, and hearing aids. If you accidentally bring valuables, you may send them home with a friend or family member or ask your nurse to place them in a "Valuables Envelope" for safekeeping in the facility's safe or other locked storage. 



Hardin Medical Center has both private and semi-private rooms. Every attempt possible will be made to provide you with the accommodations you request. However, private rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis or according to medical necessity.

Individual temperature controls are provided in each room and may be adjusted to the desired comfort. Bathing accommodations are also available in each room.



Phone amplifiers, handicapped parking, wheelchairs, signers for the deaf, interpreters for those with limited English proficiency, and handicapped accessible bathrooms are available for those with disabilities. Please let the nursing staff know if you have a need. Signers for the deaf and interpreters for those with limited English proficiency are available at no cost to others.



A nurse call button is located on a control pad next to your bed. There is an emergency pull cord in each bathroom. Please use these to call a nurse if you feel weak or unstable or need assistance.

A member of the nursing staff will instruct you on the operation of your bed. Please do not get out of bed unless your healthcare provider permits you. You will notice that your bed is equipped with side rails for safety. Never attempt to lower them yourself or climb over them. If the rails on your bed are raised, it is for your protection and to assist you in turning. Please use the nurse call button if you need assistance from the nursing staff to lower your side rails or if you need help getting out of bed.

If you wish to leave the nursing unit briefly, please inform the nursing staff of your intended destination.

Our staff frequently has training codes for potential emergencies, such as hazardous weather, natural and man-made disasters, fire, and other events. This is one of many ways that we strive to ensure your safety while here at Hardin Medical Center.



Each room is equipped with a television with remote control. Educational Channel 76 offers a wealth of medical information.



All rooms have telephones. The switchboard operator will direct phone calls to your room from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Callers may dial your room directly by dialing 926-8, followed by your room number. For example, if you are in room 248, you can be reached by dialing 926-8248. To dial a local number, please press "9" for an outside line and then dial the number. 



As a courtesy to our patients and visitors, complimentary Wireless Internet Access is available while you are at HMC. To access this service, ask your nurse or clerk for the current password. Your use of this service signifies you agree to the following terms. If you disagree, please do not use the service. 


Acceptable Use: HMC prohibits the use of public Internet access for any of the following:

• any use for or in connection with illegal activity 

• accessing websites that contain or make reference to explicit sexual materials 

• sending, receiving, or displaying obscene or pornographic text or images 

• engaging in any activity that facilitates sending, receiving, or displaying inappropriate materials to a minor 

• engaging in network hacking or other activities that may disrupt HMC operations

• making any attempt to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others 

• uploading or downloading copyrighted materials without the owner’s authorization 



HMC assumes no liability whatsoever for an individual’s use of the public internet access. 

Note that communications sent over the system may not be secure, and there is a risk that an unauthorized third party may access the information. HMC does not warrant or guarantee that information sent while using this service will be protected against unauthorized loss, access, misuse, or alteration. 

HMC cannot control or monitor the content of internet sites, which change frequently and unpredictably. Parents and guardians are responsible for their children's use of this service. 

By using this service, you assume all risks, including, without limitation, risk to your computer, software, or data being damaged by a virus obtained when accessing internet sites. 

This service is provided "as is" without warranty, either expressed or implied.

Contact HMC’s IT Security Officer on your room phone at extension 8464 to report inappropriate or illegal activity. If you need assistance with Wi-Fi, you may contact the HMC Help Desk at extension 8457.



Because we are committed to the health and safety of our staff, patients, and visitors, Hardin Medical Center (HMC) is a Tobacco-Free Campus. The use of tobacco products or vaping devices or products by employees, patients, or visitors is not allowed on any HMC property, including buildings, grounds, and parking lots. All properties occupied by HMC employees are part of the tobacco-free, vape-free campus.



Patients with private rooms in the medical/surgical unit or labor and delivery may have an adult family member or visitor overnight. Fold-out sleeping chairs are available in private rooms for the overnight stay. If the patient is a child (ages 0-12), a parent or adult guardian must always remain with the child, never leaving them unattended during hospitalization. Patients in semi-private rooms with a roommate will not be permitted overnight visitors to protect patient privacy. Check with the nurse if you feel you have special circumstances.  



You will be provided three meals per day based on your condition and according to your healthcare provider's instructions. Your healthcare provider will write an order for your diet, which may be specialized according to your needs. HMC's dietician will then plan the menu based on those Instructions. Check with your nurse before eating foods other than those you are served. If you are a parent staying with your small child in the hospital, a meal will also be provided for you, so you will not have to leave them. 



All visitors may dine in our cafeteria. Vending machines are available on the second floor and in the emergency department lobby area. Snacks are also available for purchase in the HMC Gift Shop located on the second-floor main lobby.

The HMC Café is open daily with hours of operation as follows:


Monday thru Friday

Breakfast............ 6:15 a.m. – 9 a.m.

Lunch................. 11:00 a.m. – 1 p.m.    Closed for Dinner


Saturday and Sunday

Brunch............... 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.         Closed for Dinner


Sometimes a visitor staying with a patient may need a guest tray. Please ask the nurse for assistance.





HMC Food Services has Registered Dietitians available for both Inpatients and Outpatients for nutritional consults.

HMC also offers Special needs and Nutrition Education. You may reach the Registered Dietician by calling extension 8101. HMC Medical Staff Healthcare providers may also refer patients to the HMC Registered Dietician for nutritional consults.



Clergy of all denominations is encouraged to visit members of their congregations who are being cared for at Hardin Medical Center. If you wish to see a clergy member, please ask the nursing staff. If you prefer no visitors, let the nursing staff know.



Family and friends may visit if permitted by your healthcare provider. Suggested visiting hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to ensure you receive adequate. Visitors will not be discriminated against based on race, religion, color, sexual orientation, gender identification, creed, national origin, or handicap. Patients may decide who may or may not visit, but their decision must be within the guidelines of Hardin Medical Center. For the safety and security of our patients, after-hours visitors should report to the Emergency Department entrance and then, with the approval of the nurse's station, may be granted admission.



The HMC Hospital Auxiliary (The Pink Ladies) operates a gift shop located in the second-floor main lobby. The gift shop carries a wide selection of gifts, cards, balloons, and snacks. The Auxiliary uses proceeds from its sales to benefit the hospital in special projects and to provide scholarships to graduating high school seniors. The standard operating hours are Monday thru Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Hours are posted on the gift shop door. The gift shop may have adjusted hours at some periods throughout the year and typically closes for one week after Christmas and around the July 4 holiday.



Your room is provided with a closet for your clothing and other personal belongings. (Please be sure to take your belongings when you are discharged.)  The hospital is not responsible for articles you may leave. A lost and found is maintained in the Business Office. Your nurse or Patient Representative can assist you.



Mail is delivered to patient rooms daily. Should you have any outgoing mail, please give it to the nurse to mail for you.



When flowers and gifts are delivered to the hospital for you, they will be brought to your room immediately. Restrictions may apply when patients are in isolation.



Our goal is to provide excellent care while you are here at Hardin Medical Center. Please let us know if we are not meeting your expectations. If you have a concern/complaint about your care, tell your nurse, request to speak with the charge nurse, or contact the Chief Nursing Officer at extension 8189. Your concern/complaint will be handled promptly. If you are pleased with our staff and your stay here at Hardin Medical Canter, please let us know. Our goal is continuous improvement. You may be contacted to complete a feedback survey via phone call, text, or email.



Your healthcare provider, a member of the HMC Medical Staff, or one of the HMC hospitalists, will direct the care and treatment given to you by our staff. With their expertise and knowledge, a care plan is formulated for you. Diagnostic tests and services are performed upon instructions from your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider may request consultations with other healthcare providers or specialists on our staff. 

Because the healthcare provider knows your medical history best, only they order your clinical treatment.



A nurse is assigned to you during your hospital stay, and nursing assistants work closely with your nurse. A charge nurse is also available on each unit during each shift.

Should you need help, press your nurse call button, which rings at the nurses' station. An emergency cord in the bathroom should it be necessary to call your nurse from there.

If you have any concerns during your stay, ask a staff member to contact your charge nurse, a nursing supervisor, a department director, or the Chief Nursing Officer for you. If your concerns are unresolved, you may ask to speak with the Administrator at extension 8121.



Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is a method of pain control that gives the patient the power to control their pain. In PCA, a computerized pump called the patient-controlled analgesia pump contains a syringe of pain medication prescribed by a healthcare provider. It is connected directly to a patient's intravenous (IV) line.





Our surgical area is staffed by experienced surgical nurses who assist your healthcare provider. The surgical area includes three well-equipped surgical suites, one endoscopic suite, and one OB surgical suite located in the OB unit. Visitors are not allowed in these areas. Visitors are allowed to visit with you in the short-stay area before and after surgery. A surgical waiting area is also provided.



The staff in the Recovery Room is trained to assist the surgical patient until the effects of anesthesia have subsided. Upon instructions from your healthcare provider, you will be transferred from the Recovery Room to your room or back to the short-stay unit.



Our laboratory is accredited by the College of American Pathologists and is staffed with specialized technicians and technologists under the supervision of a pathologist. Laboratory personnel provides data from the analysis of blood, biopsies, and other body fluids to assist your healthcare provider in identifying and diagnosing the nature of an illness, its severity, and the treatment progress. Laboratory services are available to all patients admitted to the hospital and also on an outpatient basis. Your test results can be sent to any healthcare provider in the United States.



Our respiratory therapists deliver many treatments to patients with breathing or other cardiopulmonary disorders. They are also responsible for evaluating patients, including performing diagnostic tests and conducting limited physical examinations. Our respiratory therapists work under a healthcare provider's supervision. Some diagnostic testing done by respiratory therapists at Hardin Medical Center includes EKG, echocardiograms, Holter monitoring, arterial Doppler exams, and electroencephalograms.



HMC's Sleep Lab can help by accurately diagnosing any sleep disorders, such as snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, or even sleepwalking. A registered sleep technologist conducts each sleep study at HMC. The data is then professionally interpreted by a healthcare provider who is board-certified in sleep medicine. Your diagnosis can help your healthcare provider get you on the road to good sleep or identify any underlying issues.



The Radiology Department offers multiple diagnostic services, including x-ray, 3D digital mammography, CT scans, ultrasound, bone densitometry, MRI, and nuclear medicine, to help your healthcare provider plan the most effective care for you.



Licensed Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, and Speech-Language Pathologists administer therapy deemed necessary for your recovery and well-being. All treatments are ordered by your healthcare provider and available to you while you are in the hospital or the outpatient setting once you are discharged. 


OBSTETRICS (Labor & Delivery)

The nurses in our obstetrical (OB) unit delight in helping welcome your new baby into the world and working with your healthcare provider to provide good care for you and your newborn. We want this special time to be as perfect as possible for all our mothers-to-be. 



The hospital pharmacy provides all medications ordered by your healthcare provider during your stay under the direction of licensed pharmacists. A pharmacist can help you understand your medication and how to take it. Please let your nurse know if you want to speak with a pharmacist. Prescriptions given to you by your healthcare provider when you are ready to be discharged cannot be filled by our Pharmacy and must be taken to an outside pharmacy.



The Health Information Management Department maintains your medical record for current and future reference by your healthcare provider. The contents of the records will only be disclosed to another party with your written authorization or by court order or subpoena. If you are transferred to another healthcare provider, your healthcare provider may request a copy of your records. All records are the property of the hospital.



Patients of Hardin Medical Center who are age 13 or older may self-enroll in the HMC Patient Portal by visiting our website and selecting the patient portal. If you manage a patient's health, talk to the patient's healthcare provider during the next visit to receive a personal invitation to Hardin Medical Center. Self-enrollment is not currently available to caregivers or guardians.

The convenient online portal allows patients to connect with their healthcare team and provides access to viewing medical information such as labs and radiology as they become available.



Hardin Medical Center has a board-certified cardiologist on staff full-time who is trained in caring for acute coronary syndrome and stroke patients. HMC is an accredited chest pain center.

In addition to our full-time cardiologist, an accredited cardiac rehabilitation program is offered. This professionally supervised program helps heart patients recover from heart attacks, heart surgery, and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures such as stenting and angioplasty. HMC Cardiac Rehab also offers education and counseling services to help heart patients increase physical fitness, reduce cardiac symptoms, improve health, and reduce the risk of future heart problems, including heart attacks.



The Darryl Worley Cancer Center is a multidisciplinary center committed to delivering quality care while combining state-of-the-art cancer treatment with comprehensive and compassionate diagnostic treatment, and support services at one location closer to home. The center also provides hematology services and numerous infusion and injection therapies including biologic therapy, immunotherapy, bone marrow biopsies, blood transfusions, PICC placement, mediport and PICC maintenance, IV hydration, antibiotic therapy, immunoglobulin therapy, bisphosphonate therapy, corticosteroid therapy, vascular access device blood draws, definitive and palliative treatments.

Our nursing staff is trained to care for the patient's mind, body, and spirit. Our advanced oncology certified nurse practitioner supervises chemotherapy and non-chemotherapy treatments. Throughout the day, she sees and treats patients as well as provides support and symptom management while working closely with our medical oncologists and radiation oncologists to provide evidence-based, coordinated, compassionate oncology care. 

The center bears the name of local Country Music Star Darryl Worley in recognition of his vision and commitment to supporting the center's construction. 

The Darryl Worley Cancer Center partners with Kirkland Cancer Center of Jackson, TN. All the medical and radiation oncologists are board-certified, having completed rigorous training and examinations to achieve the designation. A board-certified hematology is also on staff. For more information about The Darryl Worley Cancer Treatment Center, please call 731.926.8112.



The Emergency Department at Hardin Medical Center provides needed emergency care for our region. An emergency physician is on duty 24 hours a day-seven days a week. The staff is comprised of highly trained individuals who work together to provide quality service when emergency medical care is needed.

Each patient's condition is assessed upon arrival to the Emergency Department. A triage nurse then assigns priorities for treatment based on urgency, and treatment is administered first to those most seriously ill or injured. Although you may experience a delay if there are more urgent cases, every effort will be made to give each patient prompt treatment.

CHEST PAIN CENTER: Hardin Medical Center is a nationally Accredited Chest Pain Center that provides an operational process for caring for the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stroke patients. Protocols are in place and practiced to treat patients presenting with a heart attack or stroke. The protocols begin when a patient activates EMS or comes into the Emergency Department then continues through patient discharge and involves the entire facility. Being a part of the chest pain network means HMC to provides the most appropriate treatment closest to home. The protocol also allows quick, seamless transfer into a tertiary facility when more specialized care is required.

TELEMEDICINE STROKE CARE: Hardin Medical Center is in partnership with TriStar Health provides 24/7 telemedicine stroke care. HMC ER physicians can position the telemedicine robot at a patient’s bedside and connect via the Internet to a TriStar Health neurologist specializing in stroke care. The robot provides two-way audio and video communication and many remote presence devices, such as an electronic stethoscope.

When time is critical, moving patients, especially those living in rural areas, through the system quickly and efficiently is critical to saving more lives. HMC is proud to have achieved Chest Pain accreditation and provide lifesaving Tele-Stroke care.


HARDIN COUNTY EMS (Ambulance Service)

Hardin County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is operated by Hardin Medical Center and is the county's franchised ambulance service. EMS responds to all 911 calls and provides non-emergency transports as needed such as those for dialysis patients or nursing home residents who have medical appointments. Our staff includes more than 20 Paramedics, Advanced Medical Emergency Technicians (AEMTs), and Dispatchers. EMS has six state-of-the-art Ford F-350 Chassis with Frazer Boxed Ambulances equipped with: Zoll Xseries Cardiac Monitors, Zoll AutoPulse External Cardiac Compressors, Air TraQ Video Laryngoscopes, T1 Hamilton Ventilators and Stryker Lift Systems.

As a "Class A" service, rated by the Tennessee Department of Health's Division of Emergency Medical Services, a licensed paramedic accompanies every emergency ambulance transport we make so that you receive the professional transportation you deserve. EMS can be reached for transports or non-emergency calls at 926-4111.



HMC Health & Rehabilitation Center, in coordination with HMC Home Supply, is offering a new line of services to provide much-needed care for seniors and individuals with disabilities who live at home. Services such as adult day care, home-delivered meals, in-home and inpatient respite, personal care assistants and services, and assistive technology offer more choices in care. Home and community-based services help ease the burden on family members and patients and allow the option to continue living at home. If you qualify for this program, call 731-926-8216.



Our hospitalists are in-house healthcare providers that provide quality medical treatment to our patients while they are in the hospital. Because hospitalists do not maintain a private practice, their time is devoted solely to caring for hospitalized patients. Our hospitalists specialize in all aspects of our patient's care - from admission until discharge. They manage and coordinate the entire inpatient care process, working closely with the patient's primary care healthcare provider and any specialists involved. The also communicate and consult with your primary care healthcare provider regarding your medical condition.



HMC Health & Rehabilitation Center provides skilled nursing and long-term care services. We offer Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy to help our patients reach their maximum potential after an illness or surgery. We provide 24-hour nursing care, meals, daily activities, entertainment, supervision, and security for those that are no longer able to live independently, need rehab services, or require specialized wound care to be able to return home. We are conveniently located within Hardin Medical Center and have access to HMC services such as the ER, respiratory therapy, lab, and radiology without residents having to be transported elsewhere. Call 731-926-8046 for more information or to speak with our Admissions Coordinator. 



HMC Surgical Services has Board Certified surgeons on staff specializing in General Surgery, including the following surgeries: Colonoscopies, Laparoscopic Surgery, Colorectal, Breast, Hernia, Head and Neck, Endoscopy, Skin Cancers, Moles, Cysts, and Soft Tissue Tumors. 



HMC Wound Care Services offers patients access to state-of-the-art outpatient clinical wound care and hyperbaric medicine. We specialize in advanced wound care, using a variety of clinical treatments, therapies, and support services to treat chronic wounds. Our healthcare provider-driven, multidisciplinary approach to outpatient wound care has a superior success rate in facilitating the healing process ranking in the upper 90th percentile. If a patient has a wound that has not begun to heal within four weeks or is not completely healed in six weeks, they may benefit from the proven, best-practice methodologies at Wound Care Services. Call 731.926.1973 for an appointment.



In partnership with Sanderling Renal Services, patients presenting for care in the Emergency Department can be admitted at HMC and receive life-saving kidney care closer to home.

Sanderling provides tele-nephrology known as Advanced TelemedicineTM, which enables dialysis services and nephrology consultations 24 hours a day - 365 days a year, in the HMC Emergency Department and if admitted to the hospital at HMC.  Inpatient Bedside Hemodialysis is wonderful news for patients who now spend time traveling and waiting to be seen at another hospital.

HMC is excited to offer our communities high-quality dialysis and specialized kidney care for patients with renal problems, including chronic kidney disease (CKD), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and acute renal failure (ARF).  The partnership with Sanderling helps HMC nurture our close working relationships with our healthcare providers while improving the continuity of care for patients with kidney disease



We recognize that many of our citizens need specialized care unavailable in our county. We afford space for specialists to conduct outpatient clinics here at the hospital so that patients may obtain care that would not otherwise be available at home. These specialists work their clinics weekly, biweekly, or monthly, as their schedules permit. Currently, cardiology, gastroenterology, oncology, ophthalmology, and urology clinics are conducted.   



Hardin Medical Center is a nationally Accredited Chest Pain Center that provides an operational process for caring for the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stroke patients. Protocols are in place and practiced to treat patients presenting with a heart attack or stroke. The protocols begin when a patient activates EMS or comes into the Emergency Department then continues through patient discharge and involves the entire facility. Being a part of the chest pain network means HMC to provides the most appropriate treatment closest to home. The protocol also allows quick, seamless transfer into a tertiary facility when more specialized care is required.



Hardin Medical Center is in partnership with TriStar Health provides 24/7 telemedicine stroke care. HMC ER physicians can position the telemedicine robot at a patient’s bedside and connect via the Internet to a TriStar Health neurologist specializing in stroke care. The robot provides two-way audio and video communication and many remote presence devices, such as an electronic stethoscope.

When time is critical, moving patients, especially those living in rural areas, through the system quickly and efficiently is critical to saving more lives. HMC is proud to have achieved Chest Pain accreditation and provide lifesaving Tele-Stroke care.



HMC Urgent Care Clinic, located just behind Walgreens, provides walk-in, extended-hour access for acute illnesses and injury care that is either beyond the scope or availability of the typical primary care practice or not severe enough for an emergency department. The ability of an Urgent Care clinic to provide immediate care for acute, non-life threatening illness and injury is a critical component of any community's health system. The HMC Urgent Care Walk-In Clinic is located at 80 Enoch Boulevard, right behind Walgreens. The current hours of operation are Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. and Sunday, 12 p.m. until 5:30 p.m.



Hospital rooms are cleaned and sanitized daily by the environmental services staff. Our EVS team strives for the facility to be pleasant, clean, and comfortable for our patients, visitors, and staff. Please report any issues you might see to our environmental service director by calling extension 8103.



The HMC Maintenance Department is responsible for maintaining the physical buildings and equipment on the campus of Hardin Medical Center which includes the hospital and clinics. Fire and disaster drills are conducted periodically to ensure our readiness in such emergencies.



Because we hope you get well and stay well when you leave the hospital, we want to help you take care of yourself in the best way possible. You may receive instructions from your healthcare provider, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, or other staff members involved in your care during your stay. The hospital also offers education programs on various subjects, including Prenatal Classes for childbirth education, dietary counseling, diabetic counseling, and CPR classes. Please ask your nurse or any member of the staff if you need additional information. We also offer the Patient Channel on channel 76, which airs health education programming providing medical and nutritional information. Your nurse can provide you with a copy of Patient Channel guide.  



Many treatments and tests ordered by your healthcare provider can be completed on an outpatient basis. This is a very cost-effective and time-efficient method of treatment. Registration for outpatient services is made through our Admissions Office. The following services are offered for outpatients:


  • Laboratory

  • Respiratory Therapy

  • Rehabilitation Therapy

  • Surgery

  • Radiology

  • Outpatient Clinics







Your healthcare provider will add a discharge order to your electronic medical record when it is time for you to leave the hospital then discuss your instructions for home.

Soon after you return home you will receive information about your care and once your insurance has paid, a statement will arrive to you by mail. If you have questions or concerns with your bill or need to make payment arrangements, you may contact us at 731-926-8136. The hospital accepts preliminary insurance and financial information at admission; however, final arrangements or settlements must be made after your discharge. You may receive a statement reflecting only some of your insurance payments. If you have concerns with your account, please get in touch with us. Depending on the services you receive, you may receive separate bills from healthcare providers including hospitalists, pathologists, radiologists, ER healthcare providers, and anesthesia services as we do not do the billing for these services. 



Going home is a great time. Be sure to check off the following list of items:

  • Have you gathered all clothing and personal items from the closet, bedside table, and room area?

  • Have you received prescriptions from your healthcare provider? Do you understand the instructions concerning medications?  

  • Do you understand the diet you are to follow at home?  

  • Do you understand if you are to make follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider?

  • Have you received your printed discharge instructions from your nurse?

  • Have you made financial arrangements with the Business Office?

  • Have you left all hospital linen and gowns? These are the property of our linen service and must be returned.

  • Have you spoken with your healthcare provider or nurse about your need for home healthcare, equipment, or supplies?




Patient Satisfaction



HMC is committed to providing our patients with excellence in healthcare. We want your healthcare experience at HMC to be exceptional and always promise to make every effort to provide you with the very best care possible.

Your opinions and suggestions are important to us. If, for some reason, the care you received did not meet your expectations, please let us know so we can continue to improve. You may dial extensions 8473 or 8189 from within the hospital or call 731-926-8473 from any phone.

Provide us with your name, room number, telephone number, and concern, and a member of our Service Excellence team will work to see how the situation can be resolved to meet your satisfaction.

We know you have choices for your healthcare, and we thank you for trusting Hardin Medical Center. You are our number one priority and we are honored to serve you.




At HMC, our care and concern for you do not end with your discharge. You will receive a "Discharge Phone Call" after you return home. One of our nurses makes this phone call to follow up on your care. You will be asked questions to ensure you are doing well physically and following through with your discharge instructions. The nurse will also inquire about your satisfaction as a recent patient. Please participate in this call as it helps us continue helping you.  


Home Care


HMC Home Health, LLC is our joint venture with the LHC Group offering specially trained professionals to provide quality healthcare in your home. Skilled nursing care is available, as well as physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and the services of a medical social worker when needed. The staff can also assist with personal hygiene, prescribed exercises, and ambulation (walking and movement). HMC Home Health is dedicated to providing optimal patient care as your healthcare provider recommends. According to the Medicare website, the agency consistently maintains a five star rating in quality and patient satisfaction.



HMC Home Supply is your hometown durable medical equipment supplier proudly serving the region.  Expertise and excellent customer service from the well-trained staff set them apart. A trained technician delivers the medical equipment to your home and provides instructions on its use.  They provide oxygen and oxygen concentrators, nebulizers, bili-lights for newborns, wheelchairs, hospital beds, walkers and canes, bath safety products such as shower chairs and stools. They also have C-PAP and Bi-PAP machines available by healthcare provider prescription following a sleep study. The store offers nutritional products, diabetic supplies, wound care products, bedside commodes, raised toilet seats and other home medical products. Special orders are available.

HMC Home Supply is located at 925 Pickwick Road, next door to Dollar General. You may contact us at 926-8212 or 926-8202.


Patient Rights and Responsibility


Our staff works to protect your rights as a patient in our hospital. A brief summary of patient rights is provided below for your information. If you have any questions or concerns or want additional information about your rights as a patient, you may contact Hardin Medical Center Administration at 731-926- 8121.


Be treated with dignity and respect in a safe setting.
Participate in decisions about all aspects of your care. 
o A patient should receive complete, effective communications about the patient’s diagnosis and care in a manner and language the patient understands. 
o A patient must have access to a phone number to call with questions or complaints about care. 
o A patient may refuse treatment and must be informed of the consequences of that decision.  
o If a patient is unable to participate in decision-making, the patient’s rights regarding decisions will be exercised by the patient’s designated representative or other legal representative.
o A patient has the right to be informed about and be allowed to refuse experimental treatment and drugs without compromising care.
o A patient may create an advanced directive and have it honored to the extent of the law and hospital policy.
Personal privacy in your treatment and care and privacy of your health information.  
Access to your medical records upon an oral or written request, in the form and format requested, if it is readily producible in such form and format (including in an electronic form or format when such medical records are maintained electronically); or if not, in a readable hard copy form or such other form and format as agreed to by you and the hospital, within a reasonable time frame.
Prompt notification of your designated family member or representative and your physician of your admission.
Receive care and services without discrimination based on gender, age, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, culture, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.
Have appropriate assessment and management of pain.
Be free from mental and physical abuse, including restraint or seclusion imposed as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation by hospital staff.
Receive visitors you designate, including, but not limited to, your spouse, domestic partner (including same-sex domestic partner), another family member, or friend. You or your designated representative have the right to withdraw or deny visitors at any time. A family member, friend, or other individual may be with you for emotional support during your stay.
Notice of non-coverage and a right to appeal non-coverage.



Patient Responsibilities

As your caregivers, we also have a right to expect responsible and reasonable behavior on your part and that of your relatives and visitors. You have the responsibility to:
Provide accurate and complete information concerning your present medical condition, past illnesses or hospitalization, and any other matters concerning your health.
Follow the caregivers’ instructions and tell your caregivers if you have questions or do not completely understand your care plan.
Follow all hospital policies and procedures while being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital staff.
Ensure that your financial obligations are satisfied within a reasonable period of time.


How to communicate questions or concerns related to your care:
Your opinions and suggestions are important to us. If, for some reason, the care you received did not meet your expectations, please let us know so we can continue to improve. You may do so by asking to speak with the Director of Service Excellence, by dialing extension 8463 or from within the hospital, or by calling 731-926-8463 from any phone. Please provide us with your name, room number, telephone number, and concern, and our Director of Service Excellence or a designee will work with you to see how the situation can be resolved to meet your satisfaction. We know you have choices for your healthcare, and we thank you for trusting Hardin Medical Center. You are our top priority, and we are honored to serve you.


HMC Responsibility



Establish and implement written policies and procedures for patients' rights to protect and preserve dignity, individuality, and independence to the extent medically feasible.

May refuse access to the facility to any person if that person's presence would be harmful to the health and safety of a patient or staff or would threaten the security of the property of the patient, staff, or facility.

Consult with your healthcare provider or nurse, and immediately notify your representative or family member when:

An accident involving injury which may require healthcare provider intervention.

There is a significant change in physical, mental, or psychosocial status.

There is a need to alter treatment significantly.

Decisions of transfer or discharge from the facility.

Will not impede the legitimate efforts of individuals to gain access to their clinical records and must actively seek to meet these requests as quickly as the record-keeping system permits.

Not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny visitation privileges based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

Hospital leadership will ensure systems and processes are developed, implemented, and evaluated that support person-centered care.



In Tennessee, patients have the right to participate in their healthcare decisions, make Advance Directives, or execute Powers of Attorney or Healthcare Agents that authorize others to make decisions on their behalf based on the patient's expressed wishes when the patient is unable to make decisions or communicate findings. Hardin Medical Center respects and upholds those rights. 

Our policy is to respect your wishes for a DNR if you have a Tennessee POST form completed and signed by your healthcare provider. We will honor your request. If you do not have a signed POST form but only an Advance Directive form, it is our policy if an adverse event occurs during your care at this facility with no POST form, we will initiate resuscitative or other stabilizing measures. Your healthcare provider may discuss further treatments or withdrawal of treatment measures following your wishes, Advance Directive, or healthcare Power of Attorney.

Your agreement with this facility’s policy will not revoke or invalidate any current healthcare directive or healthcare power of attorney.

If you wish to complete an Advance Directive or POST form, copies of the official State forms are available in the admissions office.


Hardin Medical Center is accredited by DNV Healthcare. If you have a complaint regarding the care provided by the hospital, please report this to the hospital to allow management the opportunity to seek a resolution. If the hospital cannot resolve the issue, complaints may be submitted to DNV using the online complaint form:
Complaints may also be submitted by e-mail;, phone 866-496-9647, fax 513-947-1250, or postal mail: 
ATTN: Hospital Complaint
DNV GL - Healthcare
400 Techne Center Drive, Suite 100
Milford, OH 45150

You also have the right to submit a complaint with the state, whether you have used the hospital’s grievance process or not. You may do so by contacting the Tennessee Department of Health at 877-287-0010,, or send via regular mail to: 
Division of Healthcare Facilities
Centralized Complaint Intake Unit 
227 French Landing, Suite 501 
Heritage Place Metrocenter,

Nashville, TN 37243


Thank you for choosing Hardin Medical Center as your healthcare provider


Patient Satisfaction
Home Care
Patient Rights + Responsibility
Patient Responsibility
HMC Responsbility
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