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Lisa Peterson

Strategy Deployment launches at HMC

Leaders begin using the Lean tool to achieve strategic initiatives

Leadership Group at Work
Hardin Medical Center Strategy Deployment

September 6 was a pivotal day for the leadership team at Hardin Medical Center (HMC). "We formally kicked off our Strategy Deployment process," said Jim Edmondson, HMC CEO. Strategy Deployment, or Hoshin Kanri, is a "Lean" tool for pushing the hospital's overarching strategic initiatives to each department. In this way, departments understand their role, down to the individual, in achieving the hospital's most important strategic initiatives. Department Directors present for 20 minutes to the hospital leadership team each week. "First in line to report were Marsha Smith over cardiopulmonary and Tina Day over Food and Nutrition," said Edmondson. "The department's goals are aligned with the hospital's goals," he added.

Additionally, the Directors are asked to push the limits in setting their goals. The stretch we ask of them places them at risk of failure, but it's a safe kind of failure. "By pushing ourselves, we land in places we would never have dreamed. Directors are encouraged to "fail fast, fail cheap, fail safe and fail better," he added.

This process is not new to Edmondson. It dovetails nicely with the organization's cultural makeover, a renewed focus on quality and safety, and a laser focus on growth. Edmondson said, "For instance, Tina is pushing to open the cafeteria to the public for lunch and breakfast while using measurement tools to determine what sells best. Marsha is looking at the areas where her department can grow due to the recruitment of our new cardiologist, Dr. Nethala."

"Next week, we will have Shane Smith from Rehabilitation Therapy, and Dana Davidson from Medical Records come in and go through the same exercise. We expect to see the organization grow in ways never imagined," he reports.

Hardin Medical Center (HMC) serves its communities with safe, quality, compassionate healthcare. Since 1952, HMC has been the preferred choice for employees to work, physicians to practice, and patients to receive care in our region.

You can learn more about HMC by visiting, connecting through the major social media platforms, or by calling 731-926-8000.

Tagline: HMC Leaders Tina Day and Marsha Smith presented their strategic initiatives to the HMC Executive Council. Strategy Deployment kicked off on September 6 and CEO Jim Edmondson (center) expects to see the organization grow in ways never imagined. Shown are clockwise Jerry Clarke, Chris Lambert, Jim Edmondson, Tina Day, and Marsha Smith.

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